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Wilet Enhances Forecast Accuracy, Reduces Stockouts, and Saves $60k+ with Moselle's AI Inventory Management


more accurate forecasts


reduction in out-of-stocks


annual savings on staffing costs

Moselle pulled in all the data we needed from a sales perspective. It has cut the time we need to figure these things out down to a fraction of what it would have taken if we were just going off of spreadsheets.


- Vivian McCormick, Co-founder and CEO of Wilet


Wilet outgrew spreadsheets as SKUs scaled from 6 to 100+

Wilet's journey from a startup with just six SKUs to a thriving business with over 100 products brought exciting opportunities — and increasingly complex inventory management needs.

With the expansion, Wilet Co-founder and CEO Vivian McCormick says the company reached three-month lead times trying to effectively manage partnerships with global manufacturers and multiple suppliers making the same products in different colors.

The brand's existing tools — spreadsheets and basic Shopify apps — fit the bill before Wilet's growth but ultimately fell short of its rapidly changing needs. Spreadsheets' built-in prediction formulas couldn't handle Wilet's increasing variables, leading to inaccurate order planning, mismatched inventory, and difficulties managing its complex supplier network. Plug-and-play Shopify apps, on the other hand, offered no onboarding, leaving the Wilet team to figure out features and functionality on their own.

Vivian needed a solution that could adapt to Wilet's varying lead and transit times to provide accurate forecasting, streamline supplier management, and grow alongside the rising business. During her search for a better system, a well-timed LinkedIn message introduced Vivian to Moselle.

"It seemed to come at exactly the right time, and it was compelling enough to think, okay, let's take a call, and then the rest was history because the Moselle team was so incredible that it was a no-brainer to onboard with them."

Wilet Quilted Sheets


Moselle's tailor-made system predicts Wilet's inventory needs and sales numbers

Moselle gave Wilet the tools to wrangle its growing product line. Instead of guessing and wrestling with spreadsheets, Vivian now makes inventory calls for Wilet based on real data.

With Moselle, Vivian sees the full picture: sales trends, how fast products move, and which colors are in demand this season. This system gives Wilet the visibility to nail inventory levels, new product launches, and even spot patterns the brand hadn't noticed before — like how seasonal colors drive traffic, but most customers still buy white sheets.

Moselle's system also helped Wilet analyze the performance of their bundling strategy. As economic conditions shifted, fewer customers opted for bundles and instead chose individual items. Moselle helped Wilet quickly analyze these trends, revealing that customers were more inclined to purchase single items during uncertain times. "Their system saved us countless hours and provided the clarity we needed to make informed decisions," says Vivian.

Vivian was also surprised by how well Moselle's predictive tools normalized data across years, including one-off anomalies like the sales boom of 2020, giving Wilet a more accurate picture of true demand. 

Moselle's system helped Vivian's team make sense of these fluctuations. "People have a really hard time trying to figure out what normal growth would have been in certain industries," says Vivian. "The predictiveness of Moselle is very helpful to at least give me that first draft — that's something you could labor over for days when you're demand planning, and it's just lost time, really."

Best of all, Wilet's team stopped crunching numbers and started growing the business. The time saved on inventory management now goes into strategic planning and customer experience improvements.

"Moselle's predictive, AI-backed sales numbers have been very, very helpful. It has cut the time we need to figure some of these things out, at least in the very rough cut first draft, down to a fraction of what I think it would have taken if we were just going off of three or four different spreadsheets all the time."


80% more accurate forecasts save Wilet $60k+ annually

Wilet saw significant improvements in its inventory management and overall operations after implementing Moselle's system. These key metrics include:

  • 80% more accurate forecasts
  • 16%+ reduction in out-of-stocks
  • $60,000+ annual savings on staffing costs

Beyond the numbers, Wilet experienced intangible benefits, including increased confidence in all inventory decisions. Looking to the future, Vivian plans to further integrate Moselle into Wilet's workflow, potentially automating the entire process from prediction to order placement with suppliers.

"If there's something that's a little less metric-based and a bit more intrinsic, it is just that confidence of being able to pull something quickly, rely on those numbers, not have to double-check yourself over and over and over again."

Wilet Oyster Sheet Set

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