
Spotlight Series: Pomp & Sass

Moselle Research Team

3 minute read

At Moselle, we’re built to support small businesses and help them scale. Since launching we’ve been working with small business owners to hear their stories and understand what they need to grow. 

One of the things we always want to do for our partners, on top of the benefits of the platform, is to inspire and share stories of successful small businesses using Moselle. That’s why we’re launching the Moselle Spotlight Series.

Without their insights, feedback and enthusiasm for new tech, Moselle wouldn’t be where it is today. So, we’re excited to put them into the spotlight and showcase the incredible small business ventures we've been fortunate to work with.

For this inaugural post in our Spotlight Series, we spoke with an early Moselle adopter, Nikky Starrett of Pomp & Sass!

The Inspiration Behind Pomp & Sass

For many years, Nikky was afflicted by the agonizing medical condition fibromyalgia and lived in constant pain... until the birth of her daughter, Fern. Now living pain-free, Nikky has taken the miraculous health-changing birth as a point of inspiration to build something beautiful to share with the world. Pairing her inspiration with extensive experience in textile design, Nikky founded Pomp & Sass, a line of luxury woven Turkish towels with joyful patterns.

What Does Pomp & Sass Do?

Standing out amid other linens is the beautifully distinctive designs woven into the towels, not stamped on. Amongst her five designs offered, one design in particular is inspired by her daughter Fern - it features two lush ferns woven into the towels. 

To simply call Pomp & Sass a luxury Turkish towel company would not suffice. Nikky has painstakingly and lovingly built Pomp & Sass from the ground up to ensure that her company is ethical and sustainable. From ethical fair wages and working conditions to eco-friendly packaging and minimal carbon footprint, Nikky has engrained social responsibility into the company from the very foundation. 

In addition to being a socially-conscious, ethical, and sustainable business, Nikky hopes Pomp & Sass can help to bring positive change in the world. A portion of all proceeds is donated to a variety of charities that support the UN Sustainable Development Goal of Good Health & Wellbeing, completing the full circle of her health transformation that inspired her entrepreneurship.

Working with Nikky

We were elated to learn that Nikky was actively involved with her supply chain from ground up. She candidly shared with us the journey of building the supply chain, the challenges and the technology currently implemented to support her business.

From all the purchase orders we’ve ever seen, Nikky’s was by far the most complex and manual intensive. Complete with pictures, barcodes, and incredibly detailed instructions - all of this was impressively tracked in manually built out spreadsheets. 

As an early adopter, Nikky’s helped us to understand what a customer with robust ask like hers would need from us to switch over. We are continuously working with Nikky to improve our platform and are eager to support the growth and scaling of Pomp & Sass, well away from the spreadsheets.

Moving Forwards

More and more corporations are being challenged by employees and everyday citizens to turn to more ethical and sustainable sources of gifts, and Nikky believes that Pomp & Sass is well-positioned to help take on that challenge.

If you or anyone you know would appreciate Nikky’s beloved Turkish towels, visit: