
How To Streamline & Scale Importing As An Entrepreneur

Moselle Research Team

4 minute read
Streamline and scale importing

Being an entrepreneur that imports goods can quickly get busy and complicated, but being organized and automating what you can really helps when it comes to growing your business.

Streamlining your business and working towards automation gives you more time as a business owner to focus on higher priorities, and takes all of those mundane tasks away. By automating, you’re also able to accurately track things like purchase orders, currency exchange changes and more. 

There’s a few steps you can take to ensure you’re streamlining your business and start paving the way to scale faster than before. 

Ready to dive in?

1) Move Away From Paper

Though there’s some documents you’ll want on paper, many of it can be safely stored online to easily refer to and keep track of. 

Purchase orders are one of those things. 

As an importer you likely already know how purchase orders and tracking them can be a long-winded process that takes time. It involves many facets and tracking documents that’s why there’s solutions like Moselle’s Purchase Order Tracker. With this, you’re able to easily streamline all your purchase orders and even get alerts on currency exchange updates, and more. 

Another way to help with this is making your bill of ladings electronic. With your bill of ladings needs to be consistent with your import order for it to make it through the border seamlessly, making a mistake is something that we all want to avoid. Doing this electronically can decrease human error and make things easier for you as an entrepreneur who imports goods. 

By moving your bill of ladings to electronic form, you’re able to completely rid of paperwork which streamlines your workflow, thus saving you the time you need back to focus on scaling your business.

2) Tooling Basics 

There’s a number of online platforms and tools out there that assist in streamlining your everyday basics as an importer and business owner. These platforms help you save time when it comes to finances, analytics to track growth and much more. 

Shopify, for example, helps your business take your products and display them easily online. What it also does, is give you an in-depth overall view of the health of your company -- from revenue, order numbers, website sessions and engagement along with much more. It also has a number of integrations, which can help keep everything in one place.

When it comes to finances and invoicing, it can take a lot of time doing it manually. That’s why programs like Quickbooks really help with saving time and keeping everything in one place. 

What’s great, is that Quickbooks also has many integration options with one of them being Moselle. So, you can integrate all your purchase order tracking and finances easily, right into Quickbooks so you don’t have to worry about manually updating.

4) Scaling Up As A Small or Medium-Sized Business

Every business has a focus on scaling and growing as much as possible. One thing that’s essential to this is levelling up operations so that you’re able to do more, but you’ll want to do it with less effort so that you’re not more overworked than you already are.

When it comes to Enterprise Resource Planning systems, they can get expensive, which is why many large companies will take advantage of those and use them to grow. On the other hand, when it comes to small and medium sized businesses, there aren’t any that suit budgets and needs to streamline.

With platforms like Moselle, we’re here for those small and medium sized businesses so that these services aren’t costly. Moselle allows business owners who import to scale your business and streamline areas of need to save time with importing. On top of the purchase order tracker, Moselle also helps you find suppliers, easily look up HS / HTS codes and more. 

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